Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Importance Of Backing Track Selection - From - ""

OK the Guru has given you advice on  techniques with microphones along with how to and what to use when choosing them to get the best recording possible, of course this can only be achieved if the right song is selected, we need to progress on so I will ask this question, what would you say would be a priority when choosing a backing track to record your vocal onto.
I will leave this question open for a while so as to get you thoughts on the matter. You may leave your thoughts in the comments area.
You can of course look through the catalogue for you question's ideas.

Backing Track Selection for Recording - "From"

OK so the Guru has taken you through several techniques on microphones both with how to use and what to use to get a quality recording. Of course this can only be achieved if the right song is selected to record your vocal onto. What might you think is important when you make your selection.....?
I will leave this question open for a while so that I can get some of your ideas in the comments area as to what you think is important.